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Pregnant Women, This Risk of Disease from Excessive Sweet Eating and Drinking

During pregnancy, the body is easily sore and tired, the possibility of making mothers often want to pamper themselves with sweet foods and drinks. But be careful, ma'am. It turns out that too much sugar consumption during pregnancy can cause side effects that are risky for your health. One condition that needs to be watched out for is gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes is only experienced by pregnant women. Mothers may be the first time and do not have a history of diabetes before pregnancy, or you may already have mild symptoms of diabetes that have not been diagnosed before.

Risk of Gestational Diabetes Causing Pregnancy Disorders

If consumed in modest amounts, in fact neither sugar nor artificial sweeteners usually carry risks for pregnant women. However, the consumption of sweeteners or uncontrolled sweet foods can be dangerous, especially if previously pregnant women have a history of diabetes mellitus or insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that processes food into glucose (sugar) for energy. During pregnancy, the way your body manages insulin changes. Some pregnant women, do not produce enough insulin or even not enough to respond to insulin. This is what triggers gestational diabetes. Pregnant women who have gestational diabetes, can make their babies more at risk of experiencing the following conditions.
  • Overweight in the womb

  • Infants in the womb develop too large. This condition, called macrosomia, is caused by excess glucose in the blood vessels that enter the placenta. This large baby will eventually make the labor process more difficult, so it may require a Caesarean section.
  • Premature labor and respiratory distress syndrome

  • Babies can be born early due to high blood sugar levels in their mothers. The size of the baby can also make doctors recommend an earlier labor. As a result, these premature babies may experience respiratory distress syndrome due to their immature lungs.
  • Hypoglycemia in infants after birth

  • This condition occurs when blood sugar levels are low due to high insulin production after birth. Severe hypoglycemia can trigger seizures in infants.
  • Increase the risk of type 2 diabetes

  • After birth, babies are also more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
  • Baby's death

  • The most severe consequences if gestational diabetes is not handled properly, babies can die before or shortly after birth.
Untreated gestational diabetes can also bring complications during pregnancy. Including pregnant women experiencing hypertension and preeclampsia, and diabetes in subsequent pregnancies and type 2 diabetes later in life. The good news, this risk can be reduced by a healthy lifestyle.

Tips on Limiting Sugar Sweetness for Pregnant Women

So that sugar levels in the body can be more controlled, pregnant women should reduce or limit certain types of food, such as fried foods, fast food, baked cakes (cakes, donuts, muffins), sweets, sweet drinks (soda, juice, soft drinks ), white rice, potatoes, and foods that are high in saturated fat. Also, be careful of artificial sweeteners, which are usually found in sweets, soft drinks, cakes, ice cream, and many packaged foods. Examples of artificial sweeteners that should not be consumed while pregnant, namely:
  • Saccharin (Saccharin)

  • Research has found that saccharin can actually enter the placenta and can live in fetal tissue.
  • Cyclamate (Cyclamate)

  • Mothers should avoid products that contain this ingredient because there is not enough evidence about its safety in pregnant women.
The ideal diet of pregnant women in one plate includes 50% vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber, such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread. Pregnant women need to meet the needs of fresh vegetables and fruit every day. Some foods that can be snacks include eggs, fresh cut vegetables and fruit, boiled vegetables, grilled fish, skinless chicken breast, oatmeal with berries, and unsweetened yogurt. Applying a healthy and balanced diet as above, will be very beneficial for maintaining maternal health during pregnancy, as well as helping with gestational diabetes. Don't forget to also regularly move actively and get enough rest, ma'am.
